The Latest Easy Carp Pepes Recipe
The Latest Easy Carp Pepes Recipe - Hi, Friend Chef, this time Admin Permana will share the secret recipe for Sundanese carp. This food is very familiar with friends, especially in Sundanese Tatars. Processed in the traditional way, the fish pepes will taste very delicious when served with liwet rice and eaten with family. How does it feel? nice, well-kept, actually this is a favorite food for Admin Permana.
Then I talk a lot, it's not better for you friends, let's look at the steps.
1 Medium-sized goldfish tail
Enough banana leaves
Enough savers
2 red chili mashed
5 red onion cloves are smoothed
1 stem pre I sliced
2 bay leaves
enough basil leaves
a piece of acid
salt to taste
Smear the fish using fine chili, finely red onion, and salt, until blended then place it on a piece of banana leaf and cover with bay leaves, on top, give slices of pre I and basil leaves.
Wrap the carp and seat with a stick or staples and then burn on the fire until completely cooked.
Lift and serve this carp while warm as a side dish.
Dari pada saya banyak bicara tidak karuan lebih baik kalian para sahabat mari simak langkah-langkahnya iya.
Then I talk a lot, it's not better for you friends, let's look at the steps.
Ingredients:1 Medium-sized goldfish tail
Enough banana leaves
Enough savers
2 red chili mashed
5 red onion cloves are smoothed
1 stem pre I sliced
2 bay leaves
enough basil leaves
a piece of acid
salt to taste
Goldfish are washed clean then coat with acid and salt and leave for about 5-10 minutes.Smear the fish using fine chili, finely red onion, and salt, until blended then place it on a piece of banana leaf and cover with bay leaves, on top, give slices of pre I and basil leaves.
Wrap the carp and seat with a stick or staples and then burn on the fire until completely cooked.
Lift and serve this carp while warm as a side dish.
Terjemah Kedalam Bahasa IndonesiaResep Pepes Ikan Mas Nikmat Sederhana - Hai Sobat Koki, kali ini Admin Permana akan membagikan resep rahasia ikan mas pepes khas sunda. Makanan ini sangat familiar banget loh ParaSahabat, terutama di daerah tatar sunda. Diolah dengan cara tradisional, pepes ikan ini akan terasa sangat nikmat jika disajikan dengan nasi liwet dan disantap bersama keluarga. Cita rasanya? waduh enak tenanan loh, sebenarnya ini adalah makanan kesukaan Admin Permana loh.
Dari pada saya banyak bicara tidak karuan lebih baik kalian para sahabat mari simak langkah-langkahnya iya.
- 1 Ekor ikan mas ukuran sedang
- Daun pisang secukupnya
- Penyemat secukupnya
- 2 buah cabai merah dihaluskan
- 5 siung bawang merah dihaluskan
- 1 batang prei diiris
- 2 lembar daun salam
- daun kemangi secukupnya
- sepotong asam
- garam secukupnya
- Ikan mas dicuci sampai bersih kemudian lumuri dengan asam dan garam lalu biarkan selama kurang lebih 5-10 menit.
- Lumuri ikan dengan menggunakan cabai halus, bawang merah halus, dan garam sampai rata kemudian letakkan pada selembar daun pisang dan alasi dengan daun salam, diatasnya beri irisan daun prei dan kemangi.
- Bungkus ikan mas dan semat dengan lidi atau straples kemudian bakar diatas api sampai benar-benar matang.
- Angkat dan sajikan pepes ikan mas ini selagi hangat sebagai lauk makan.
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