Difference between Google Hosted and Non-Hosted Accounts
Difference between Google Hosted and Non-Hosted Accounts - On this occasion, I am Admin Permana will share a little knowledge for those of you who are still unfamiliar with the world of blogging. Google Adsense is a dream for many people who make a living from the internet world, and therefore many want to register themselves to become Adsense partners and get enough income that can be even more than enough for each month.
Registering to become an Adsense partner is not easy of course, there are many policies that you must obey and do, starting from reviewing whether it is feasible or not your blog to be a partner, navigating blogs, Privacy Policy, Sitemaps, and more.
After you have successfully become an Adsense partner, there is something interesting. That is the difference between a Google Adsense Hosted account and Google Adsense Non-Hosted. That difference is what makes people confused for those who don't know it yet.
However, what is the difference between these two types of Google Adsense, is there a feature of one type of Google Adsense.
Let's discuss below.
Excess Hosted account
A Google Adsense Hosted account can register via Blogspot and/or YouTube. As I said, registering a Hosted account is fairly easy and only requires 1 review with the conditions to comply with Google Adsense terms and policies.
Lack of Hosted accounts
Ads that are displayed by Hosted accounts can only be displayed on Blogspot and YouTube because they are related, and also cannot display ads on the TLD (Top Level Domain) domains such as .com, .net, and others. If you change the TLD domain, your ad will not appear unless you upgrade it to the costume domain (upgrade to the TLD domain).
The advantages of a non-Hosted account
Ad placement can appear anywhere, and also you don't have to wait for a review to show ads. In addition, Non Hosted accounts can be used anywhere, on YouTube and other platforms.
Lack of a Non-Hosted Google Adsense account
The lack of a Non Hosted account, is the registration process to become a difficult Google Adsense partner. For Non Hosted account users, you must know, Non Hosted account registrants can be rejected several times, and also there are 2 stages of the review. This is where the first stage will be reviewed by the robot whether it is feasible or not, checking navigation, sitemap, and so on. Stage 2 is checked directly by Adsense, no longer using robots, this time using the person directly. To check whether the quality of the blog, content, and navigation are in accordance with Google Adsense policies or not.
Still, whatever type of Google Adsense account must have advantages and disadvantages of each and also certainly produce, depending on your choice between the two types of accounts, which one is suitable. This carapermana account uses Non Hosted from the beginning of Google Adsense registration, Thank God it is approved by Google Adsense, provided you follow Google's terms and policies, it must be implemented.
Thus the article about the differences in Google Adsense Hosted and Non Hosted accounts, hopefully, this article makes you more aware of the world of Adsense. If this article is useful, don't forget to share, yes, friends, who want to donate, please see below this article, there is info about Donations via Ovo, but when you click the Lovenya sign, you will be brought in more detailed information about donations, donors who have donated hopefully useful for me and hopefully the good deeds are always poured out by the power of attorney.
Registering to become an Adsense partner is not easy of course, there are many policies that you must obey and do, starting from reviewing whether it is feasible or not your blog to be a partner, navigating blogs, Privacy Policy, Sitemaps, and more.
After you have successfully become an Adsense partner, there is something interesting. That is the difference between a Google Adsense Hosted account and Google Adsense Non-Hosted. That difference is what makes people confused for those who don't know it yet.
Difference between Hosted and Non Hosted Google Adsense Accounts
Who does not want to have a Google Adsense account, having a Google Adsense account is a special award because Google Adsense is one of the places to earn money online by displaying ads on a blog page or on your YouTube video. To see if your Google Adsense account is Hosted or Non-Hosted, you can see the photo below.However, what is the difference between these two types of Google Adsense, is there a feature of one type of Google Adsense.
Let's discuss below.
Google Adsense Hosted
Hosted means linked, then Google Adsense Hosted is what Google associates with its products, such as Blogspot and YouTube. Because hosted accounts are still binding with Google, registering Adsense is not too difficult.Excess Hosted account
A Google Adsense Hosted account can register via Blogspot and/or YouTube. As I said, registering a Hosted account is fairly easy and only requires 1 review with the conditions to comply with Google Adsense terms and policies.
Lack of Hosted accounts
Ads that are displayed by Hosted accounts can only be displayed on Blogspot and YouTube because they are related, and also cannot display ads on the TLD (Top Level Domain) domains such as .com, .net, and others. If you change the TLD domain, your ad will not appear unless you upgrade it to the costume domain (upgrade to the TLD domain).
Google Adsense Non Hosted
Unlike the previous account, Non Hosted accounts are more independent and more difficult to register, because Google Adsense is a further TLD blog, whether it's feasible or not. Because this Non Hosted account has no connection with Google, therefore the review is 2 times a review, longer than the Hosted account.The advantages of a non-Hosted account
Ad placement can appear anywhere, and also you don't have to wait for a review to show ads. In addition, Non Hosted accounts can be used anywhere, on YouTube and other platforms.
Lack of a Non-Hosted Google Adsense account
The lack of a Non Hosted account, is the registration process to become a difficult Google Adsense partner. For Non Hosted account users, you must know, Non Hosted account registrants can be rejected several times, and also there are 2 stages of the review. This is where the first stage will be reviewed by the robot whether it is feasible or not, checking navigation, sitemap, and so on. Stage 2 is checked directly by Adsense, no longer using robots, this time using the person directly. To check whether the quality of the blog, content, and navigation are in accordance with Google Adsense policies or not.
Still, whatever type of Google Adsense account must have advantages and disadvantages of each and also certainly produce, depending on your choice between the two types of accounts, which one is suitable. This carapermana account uses Non Hosted from the beginning of Google Adsense registration, Thank God it is approved by Google Adsense, provided you follow Google's terms and policies, it must be implemented.
Thus the article about the differences in Google Adsense Hosted and Non Hosted accounts, hopefully, this article makes you more aware of the world of Adsense. If this article is useful, don't forget to share, yes, friends, who want to donate, please see below this article, there is info about Donations via Ovo, but when you click the Lovenya sign, you will be brought in more detailed information about donations, donors who have donated hopefully useful for me and hopefully the good deeds are always poured out by the power of attorney.
Terjemah Kedalam Bahasa IndonesiaPerbedaan Akun Google Adsense Hosted dan Non Hosted - Pada kesempatan kali ini saya Admin Permana akan membagika sedikit ilmu bagi kalian yang masih awam dengan dunia blogging ini. Google Adsense adalah dambaan bagi banyak orang yang mencari nafkah dari dunia internet, maka dari itu banyak yang ingin mendaftarkan dirinya untuk menjadi mitra Adsense dan mendapatkan penghasilan yang cukup bahkan bisa lebih dari cukup untuk setiap bulannya.
Mendaftar untuk menjadi mitra Adsense tidak mudah tentu saja, ada banyak kebijakan yang harus anda patuhi dan lakukan, mulai dari review apakah layak atau tidak blog anda untuk di jadikan mitra, navigasi blog, Privacy Policy, Sitemap, dan banyak lagi.
Setelah anda telah berhasil menjadi mitra Adsense, ada sesuatu yang menarik. Yaitu adanya perbedaan antara akun Google Adsense Hosted dan Google Adsense Non Hosted. Perbedaan itu lah yang membuat bingung bagi orang yang belum mengetahuinya.
Perbedaan Akun Google Adsense Hosted dan Non Hosted
Siapa yang tidak ingin memiliki akun Google Adsense, memiliki akun Google Adsense adalah sebuah penghargaan tersendiri, karena Google Adsense adalah salah satu tempat penghasilan secara online dengan cara menampilkan iklan di halaman blog atau pun di video YouTube anda. Untuk melihat apakah akun Google Adsense anda Hosted atau Non Hosted, anda dapat melihat foto dibawah ini.
Namun, apa perbedaan dari dua jenis Google Adsense ini, apakah ada keistimewaan dari salah satu jenis Google Adsense.
Mari kita bahas dibawah ini.
Google Adsense Hosted
Hosted artinya di kaitkan, maka Google Adsense Hosted adalah yang di kaitkan oleh Google dengan produk mereka, seperti Blogspot dan YouTube. Karena akun hosted masih mengikat dengan Google, mendaftarkan Adsense tidak terlalu sulit.
Kelebihan akun Hosted
Akun Google Adsense Hosted dapat mendaftar melalui Blogspot dan/atau YouTube. Seperti yang saya katakan, pendaftaran akun Hosted terbilang mudah dan hanya memerlukan 1 kali review dengan syarat mematuhi ketentuan dan kebijakan Google Adsense.
Kekurangan akun Hosted
Iklan yang di tampilkan oleh akun Hosted hanya dapat di tampilkan di Blogspot dan YouTube karena terkait, dan juga tidak dapat menampilkan iklan di domain TLD (Top Level Domain) seperti .com, .net, dan lainnya. Apabila anda mengganti domain TLD, iklan anda tidak akan muncul kecuali anda mengupgradenya ke costume domain (upgrade ke domain TLD).
Google Adsense Non Hosted
Berbeda dengan akun sebelumnya, akun Non Hosted lebih independent dan lebih sulit untuk mendaftarkannya, karena Google Adsense minjau blog TLD lebih lanjut, apakah layak atau tidak. Karena akun Non Hosted ini tidak adanya keterkaitan dengan Google, maka dari itu peninjauannya 2 kali review, lebih lama di banding akun Hosted.
Kelebihan akun Non Hosted
Penempatan iklan dapat tampil dimana saja, dan juga anda tidak perlu menunggu review untuk menayangkan iklan. Selain itu, akun Non Hosted dapat di gunakan dimana saja, di YouTube dan platform-platform lainnya.
Kekurangan akun Google Adsense Non Hosted
Adapun kekurangan akun Non Hosted ini, adalah proses pendaftaran menjadi mitra Google Adsense yang sulit. Untuk pengguna akun Non Hosted pasti tau, pendaftar akun Non Hosted dapat di tolak beberapa kali, dan juga review nya ada 2 tahap. Yang dimana tahap pertama akan di review oleh robot apakah layak atau tidak, pengecekan navigasi, sitemap, dan lain sebagainya. Tahap 2 adalah di cek langsung oleh pihak Adsense, tidak menggunakan robot lagi, kali ini menggunakan orangnya langsung. Untuk mengecek apakah kualitas blog, konten, dan navigasi sudah sesuai dengan kebijakan Google Adsense atau belum.
Tetap saja, apapun jenis akun Google Adsense pasti memiliki kelebihan kekurangannya masing-masing dan juga sudah pasti menghasilkan, tergantung anda untuk pemilihan antara dua jenis akun ini, mana yang cocok. Akun alvinkannabi ini menggunakan Non Hosted dari awal pendaftaran Google Adsense, Alhamdulillah di Approve oleh Google Adsense, asalkan anda mengikuti ketentuan dan kebijakan Google, pasti terApprove.
Demikian artikel tentang perbedaan akun Google Adsense Hosted dan Non Hosted, semoga dengan adanya artikel ini membuat anda lebih mengetahui tentang dunia Adsense. Apabila artikel ini bermanfaat jangan lupa di share iya sahabat, yang mau donasi silahkan lihat dibawah artikel ini ada info mengenai Donasi via Ovo, tiggal kalian klik tanda Lovenya maka kalian akan dibawa kehalaman info lebih lengkap mengenai donasi, thakns yang sudah berdonasi semoga bermanfaat bagi saya dan semoga amal baiknya selalu di curahkan oleh sang kuasa.
DONASI VIA OVO Bantu berikan donasi jika artikelnya dirasa bermanfaat. Donasi akan digunakan untuk membeli domain www.caraperdana.com. Terima kasih.
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